
About us

The Hungarian Mentalization Association, based in Pécs, was established in 2017 through the collaboration of professionals working with Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT).

The Hungarian Mentalization Association, based in Pécs, was established in 2017 through the collaboration of professionals working with Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT).

Therapeutical Aims

Our first aim was to try and introduce Mentalization-Based Treatment in our own workplaces, so thatclients could access our 18 month-old pilot project. At the beginning, four of us:Tamás Kárpáti (who had the idea for the project), Júlia Jakab, Katalin Simicz-Futó, Róbert Rozgonyi, then two others: EszterSusenka and Dorina Ágoston participated in MBT Basic Training held by Prof. Peter Fonagy and Prof. Anthony Bateman in 2015. Under our pilot we had continuous supervision from Bergen Clinics Foundation, which is the centre of MBT in Norway.

In 2017 we could enter MBT Practitional Level Training. In September 2017, we reached our goal to start an MBT outpatient service, which offers MBT for so-called dual-diagnosed clients who are living with borderline personality disorder and addiction. This service is delivered through the INDIT Foundation and their therapists are members of our association.

Other Activities

The foundation of the associationwas necessary to share our good practice, to raise interest on the method, and on the mentalization perspective itself. Not every member carries out therapeutical activity. Others remain active in different fields of practice. The association makes it possible to find new collaborations, to train other teams, to form peer-supervision groups and to grow, systematically, together.


Contribution to the MaMe Association

The successes of the MaMe Association listed above have been achieved through the massive voluntary work of the members, with the encouragement and support of the hosting institution (INDIT Foundation).
To realize astable and sustainable service,and to expand our work supporting the vunerable, we kindly ask Your help. Your generous contribution would support:

  • Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) practice in Hungary
  • professional training of clinicians in MBT
  • the dissemination of the mentalization perspective, which has scientifically proven its value in communities, educational settings, and prison services, beyond its medical aims
  • mental health awareness in a wider sense.

Targeted Support of the Treatment Program

The MBT Outpatient Service functions under the regulation of a hosting institution in contract with the national health service which means that national health insurance is needed for the limited number of clients who at any one time can access the programme.

As we grow and develop more sustainable operation, independent from the current hosting institution, it is essential for future clients and their relatives to support our work within their financial means.

Thanks to your donations we will be able to provide not only primary care but extra working hours, an undisturbed environment, and team supervision.

An important aim of ours is to be able to offer our service for everyone in need, regardless of their financial situation. This can only happen in the future with the help of your kind contributions

Paying a contribution is not a prerequisite for participation in the treatment program. On applying, please assess your financial means and consider how much you afford to contribute when entering therapy with us.

Offer 1%

You can support Mentalization-Based Treatment with 1% of your tax. Please remember to fill in the application form and offer your 1% to us.

Our tax exempt number is: 18142969-1-02
Raiffeisen Bank 12072552 01595796 00100009